Looking for a transformative social benefit for your organisation? Discover dothegap employees 27 June, 2022 dothegap Team Dothegap content, More about dothegap No CommentsCorporate social responsibility is no longer just a fad. As a society, we need organisations that honestly, deeply and genuinely…Read More
Exchanges boost emotional intelligence: here’s how 12 May, 2022 dothegap Team Non formal education adolescent behaviour, emotional intelligence, vulnerability 2 CommentsMany students describe cultural exchange as a rollercoaster of emotions. It is an experience of self-discovery that challenges you, encourages…Read More
Making cultural exchanges accessible 21 December, 2021 dothegap Team More about dothegap benefits of exchanges, cultural exchange, cultural exchanges, dothegap, exchange, exchange examples, exchanges, formal education, informal education, klm, non formal education No CommentsExchanges offer so much more than new experiences; they are valuable chances to learn that help us to develop our…Read More
Breaking stereotypes: courses and activities based on migrant talent 28 September, 2021 Diligent More about dothegap benefits of the exchange, cultural exchange, exchange, interculturality, non-formal education No CommentsFear of what is different, social stigma or misunderstanding of different cultures makes us miss out on experiences and exchanges…Read More
7 non-formal and informal education experiences for this summer 13 July, 2021 dothegap Team Education, Non formal education benefits of exchange, benefits of exchanges, benefits of non-formal education, cultural exchange, cultural exchanges, education, exchange, exchanges, experiences, formal education, informal education, non formal education, non-formal education experiences, sport, summer 2 CommentsOn the dothegap blog we have spoken several times about the benefits of teaching outside formal settings. In this post we…Read More
We want to fly again: KLM receives Diamond Award for Health Safety 8 July, 2021 dothegap Team Dothegap for KLM covid, covid-19, klm, safety, sustainable air travel, sustainable flights, sustainable travel, travel 2 CommentsHave you been back on a plane since the pandemic struck? Of course, we’re all eager to soar the skies…Read More
Cultural exchange and its positive impact on young people’s emotional well-being 14 June, 2021 dothegap Team Dothegap content, Education, Exchange adolescents' emotional well-being, benefits of exchange, benefits of exchanges, cultural exchange, emotional well-being, exchange, health, mental health, well-being, young people's emotional well-being No CommentsThe after-effects of the coronavirus outbreak have taken a serious toll on today’s adolescents. Not only has the pandemic deprived…Read More
World Oceans Day: protect the oceans by traveling sustainably 7 June, 2021 dothegap Team Dothegap for KLM, Travel fly responsibly, klm, sustainable, sustainable air travel, sustainable flights, sustainable tourism, sustainable travel, sustainably, world oceans day No CommentsSince 1992, World Oceans Day has been celebrated every 8 June, a date promoted by the UN to raise awareness…Read More
KLM launches programme to promote sustainable fuel and air travel 3 June, 2021 dothegap Team Dothegap for KLM, Travel air travel, dothegap, flights, klm, sustainable development goals, sustainable exchanges, sustainable flights, sustainable fuel, sustainable tourism, sustainable trips, trips No CommentsKLM Royal Dutch Airlines is spearheading the development of alternative aviation fuels that leave a smaller environmental footprint and make…Read More
Discover the World Teen Parliament and take part in this global project 20 May, 2021 dothegap Team Dothegap content, Education, Exchange cultural exchange, dothegap, Mercedes Martínez, sdg, SDG10, sdg4, sustainable development goals, world teen parliament No CommentsAt dothegap we take great pleasure in being ambassadors of World Teen Parliament, a genuine exchange of ideas and projects…Read More