Fear of what is different, social stigma or misunderstanding of different cultures makes us miss out on experiences and exchanges that could fill us with new knowledgeand understanding of other ways of doing things, as well as connecting with people from different backgrounds.
That is why we are delighted to inform you about the collaboration between dothegap and Abrazo Cultural, an organization that seeks to generate different experiences in which interculturality is promoted through language courses, experiential workshops and specialized training where the valuesof dialogue and direct interaction, both online and in person, are the protagonists.
What is Abrazo Cultural?
Abrazo Cultural is a non-profit organization founded in Sao Paulo in 2014 and has been in Spain since 2017.
Its objective is to transform the knowledge and diverse talents of migrants into formative experiences and intercultural learning opportunities.
In these experiences they can share their cultures and knowledge with local stakeholders, thus promoting the overcoming of stereotypes, multicultural communication and social and labor inclusion.
What kind of activities will we carry out from dothegap with Abrazo Cultural?
Our central axis as dothegap is exchange and therefore Abrazo Cultural will offer various activities such as cooking workshops from different cultures, Persian and Arabic writing workshops, Afro-indigenous percussion workshops, language courses (Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Persian) and tours of Barcelona from the perspective of refugees and migrants.
Through these exchange activities, not only will new knowledge and learning be generated for the people attending the workshops or classes, but also links will be generated with the cultures and people who share this knowledge.

Interculturality in dothegap
With this new partner we want to promote interculturality, one of the most representative pillars of dothegap.
Interculturality can be defined as a process of interaction between people who have different ethnic, cultural, religious or linguistic backgrounds.
Intercultural communication is based on the assumption that all participating parties are of equal value, i.e., no one person or culture is more important than another. In this way, a synergistic interaction is achieved: a situation in which all parties have better results together than each would have separately.
In this way, interculturality allows all cultures and people involved to generate a dialogue and coexistence that enriches all participants, thus fostering a wonderful opportunity for knowledge and learning.

Do you want to have intercultural experiences?
1) Open yourself to meet people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
Thanks to globalization and migratory flows, we can meet people from almost anywhere in the world without having to go far away.
Therefore, the first step to live an intercultural experience is to open yourself to it, without fear or mental limitations.
2) Join experiences with native people.
Do you want to learn Moroccan cuisine?
Or maybe you want to learn Arabic?
Maybe you want to know how to play Afro-Indian percussion?
Well, what better than to be taught by a person from Morocco, a native Arab or someone with a long life experience in this type of percussion!
If you open yourself to connect with new cultures through their experiences you can discover incredible things.
3) Leave prejudices and biased views out of your equation.
We often feel the weight of our weight of our prejudices If you want to live a true intercultural experience it is best to be open to new ways of seeing the world, accepting that ours is perhaps only one of those that exist, listening to new opinions and stories of life experiences very different from ours.
4) Exchange your knowledge with people from all over the world.
An intercultural experience is bidirectional, surely you can teach your vision of the world and also receive a new way of observing it, or perhaps you can teach one language while learning another: exchanging is the basis of intercultural contact.
5) Travel and host
And of course, the two big elements are traveling and interacting with people from all over the world who are passing through or who have settled in your city. Opening the doors of your world to the world and vice versa!
Do you also want to live a true intercultural experience? With dothegap it’s easy! As easy as register, submit your exchange proposal and interact with all our users. We are eager to see what you have to offer! Because what you learn through experience, you never forget 🙂