Summer is the best time for a family exchange and at dothegap we want you to experience it first hand! How are we going to help you make it happen? Keep reading and we’ll tell you more! Don’t miss a thing.
dothegap will make your exchange possible this summer by paying for your flights
You may well have thought about going on an exchange this summer, right? It’s the ideal season since students have finished school and parents have more time to enjoy the holidays.
But sometimes there are a couple of setbacks: the price of the exchange itself and the organisation process. We have managed to make the latter much easier with our platform, since all you have to do is choose the family and experience that most suits your liking, without the need for intermediaries or having to wait for answers!
This summer, however, we’ll also be assuming the cost of the plane tickets. We want to give you the unique opportunity to carry out a family exchange: it will work out to be much more economical and you’ll have support from dothegap throughout the entire process.
Who can take part in this promotion and how?
Our mission at dothegap is to promote family exchanges so that this opportunity can be enjoyed by anyone who has already published their experience on the platform or who publishes one during the month of June. What’s more, there are no restrictions in terms of the location: it can be an individual or and/or experience from anywhere in the world.
Getting involved in as easy as planning an exchange within a period of 3 months. The first five people to do so will be awarded the prize, or in other words, their travel costs will be covered so that they can carry out the experience.
What do you need to do to take part?
You should send us a copy of your plane tickets as well as a photo of you with your exchange host family. This picture will also be posted on our social network pages to show our followers what their experience could look like and encourage them to plan one for themselves.
What does the prize consist of exactly?
The prize consists of paying up to €200 towards your return plane tickets, so that they are covered either partially or in full. A bank transfer will be made to the account linked to your dothegap profile.
The prize will be presented to the individual who lives out the family exchange experience; these are the terms of the prize. This must also be the same person to initiate contact with dothegap in order to plan their experience.
If you want to experience a family exchange this summer, dothegap is making it easier than ever! All you have to do is get in contact and plan an exchange if you already have an experience uploaded to the platform, or, you can register and propose one throughout the month of June. You’ve got 3 months to finalise this amazing opportunity!
Summary of the competition rules
- This promotion is valid from 10 June until 10 July.
- All families who publish an experience during this period, or who have already published their experience on dothegap.com, can participate.
- The prize will be awarded to the individual who will be taking part in the family exchange.
- The exchange dates and any other details must be arranged within 3 months of this promotion’s end date. However, the exchange can take place after this period. The exchange’s duration is up to the parties involved.
- The prize is €200 towards the total travel costs.
- In order to claim your prize, you must send us a copy of your plane tickets (or your chosen travel method) to hello@dothegap.com, as well as a photo of the exchange with your host family to show us how you’re getting on, which we will also publish on our social networking pages.
- The prize will be awarded to the individual who initiates contact with dothegap via the platform.
This summer, if you want to go on a exchange for free, register at dothegap.com/en, upload your proposal and prepare yourself to live a great experience!