Did you know that among everything else we offer, dothegap can also put young au pairs-to-be in touch with families who want to host them? If you’re planning on organising this kind of experience for yourself, keep reading, because in this post, we tell you about all the advantages to being an au pair, so you can take the first steps towards your adventure, once and for all!
5 advantages to being an au pair
1. It’s a safe experience that reduces your accommodation and maintanence costs: your host family will welcome you into their home, so you’ll be able to live comfortably as if you were another member of the family. What’s more, this is also an important step in avoiding any kind of culture shock and feeling more at ease when you first arrive in a new country.
2. You’ll have time enough for everything: even after helping out around the house, you’ll still have time to seek out classes or activities you want to attend whilst in this new environment. Also, you’ll be able to enjoy spending time with the new friends you make as you’ll have some days free during the week.
3. Linguistic immersion will guarantee you learn the language: one of the greatest advantages to being an au pair is combining language classes with real-life practise during your day-to-day life. Likewise, you’ll be hearing and speaking in colloquial, local terms. This means you’ll learn the language in a very natural and spontaneous way, and end up speaking just like the natives.
4. The whole experience is an exchange of cultures: being an au pair is a complete experience, which goes way beyond classroom learning or work. You’re in constant contact with locals, which means you’ll discover first-hand what their culture and lifestyles are like. Similarly, you could end up meeting people from all around the world who are embarking on the same adventure as you, and might even end up making life-long friendships. You’ll open your mind to new and different perspectives and learn to be more tolerant of others and foreign situations.
5. It’s an example of international work: being an au pair implies a huge boost for your language learning, helps you grow on a personal level as well as strengthening your CV, as it is seen to be a very valuable activity by many employers. As an au pair, you demonstrate versatility in adapting to new situations, the ability to assume responsibility when taking care of other people, and that you’re able to cope when speaking in a foreign language, to mention just a few of the qualities you’ll pick up.
Now that you know some of the best advantages to being an au pair, have you decided to embrace this wonderful experience? With dothegap, you’ll be able to find just the host family you’re looking for, or, if you’re a family looking to make this venture in learning possible, find the perfect au pair.
So, what do you need to do? It’s simple: register and upload your proposal: what are you waiting for? Join our community today! What’s more, you can register and create your first experience for free!