At dothegap, we begin 2019 charged with excitement and energy, with a mission to continue promoting unique educational experiences. As a first step, we’d like to encourage you to do an exchange as your new years resolution. Let’s jump into the first post of 2019!
Encourage exchanges, the mission at dothegap
Since launching dothegap, we’ve mentioned the benefits of exchanges and non formal education a number of times. While we don’t want to repeat the same ideas, we want to make it clear that in 2019 we’ll continue working towards spreading this educational practice.
Over the next 12 months, we resolve to see more and more people, associations, federations and other entities understanding that exchanges are much more versatile experiences than one might think.
As we like to say, exchanging isn’t only an educational experience aimed at learning a new language. It’s not even about traveling abroad! An exchange can be an interdisciplinary activity where you learn a new sport, trade or artistic technique different from your own.
Of course, this can be done within your own discipline, allowing you to learn new techniques and discover new resources to improve your skills. If you check out the blog, you’ll find examples of what we’re talking about and you’ll see that an exchange is a very broad concept.
Exchanges, from our point of view, help open your eyes, learn without even noticing and grow as a person. So, how do we encourage this at dothegap? With a cutting-edge platform!
Our work involves connecting people with an interest in organising or doing an exchange. The platform is a meeting point for educational centres, sports clubs or associations who, after registering, upload their proposal for educational experiences.
From there, other people and organisations can connect to do exchanges among themselves and enjoy new experiences. It’s that easy and with all the possibilities that come with it: the more original and valuable the proposal, the better!
In 2019, we want to continue spreading awareness of this easy-to-use platform packed with all the exchanges you can imagine. And, since we want exchanges to continue spreading to more people, we have additional goals!
Why should your new years resolution for 2019 be to do an exchange?
At the beginning of the year, we always lay out new goals. Some of them are unreachable, while others we take on as routines, but later abandon. Nonetheless, doing an exchange is completely at your reach. And if not, we’ll make it easy!
Keep in mind there are no limits when it comes to doing an exchange. They are inclusive activities that adapt to all kinds of interests, jobs and hobbies. So, you really have no excuse!
One of the biggest reasons you should start the new year thinking of taking on a new experience is the motivation that it’ll awaken within you. With an exchange, you’ll learn new skills and will enjoy a change of surroundings, which brings new challenges and sparks your curiosity. And by the way, doing new things usually boosts your drive to do more new things, so it’s more likely you’ll repeat!
Perhaps at the end of 2018 you were thinking of changing jobs or making an important life change. In this case, if you do an exchange you can take the first step and see if you really want a change of scenery. Thanks to doing an exchange, you’ll be able to take a step back from your routine and may even be able to test run that new discipline that might form part of your new life.
The last reason to do an exchange in 2019 (although the list could go on!) is that it lets you meet people in different environments and form new friendships. Moreover, stepping back from your routine and habitual places will help you activate your mind, open yourself to new lessons and become more creative. Don’t these sound like goals we should have for a new year?
At dothegap, we hope to have convinced you to do an exchange this 2019. Even more so, we hope it’s one of your resolutions! As you can see, the benefits are many and our platform can help you achieve them easily. Happy 2019!