Tired of being the only one who doesn’t have an interesting anecdote to tell? Would you like to surprise your friends/family with such curious facts that you become the life of the party? Get ready for a mind-blowing journey through history, cultures and the most unsuspected corners of the world! This post will equip you with a repertoire of fun facts that will allow you to stand out in any conversation and leave everyone open-mouthed.
Curious facts about different countries and cultures
-The country with the most pyramids is not Egypt, but Sudan. While Egypt is world famous for its imposing pyramids, it is Sudan that holds the record for the largest number of these ancient structures. It is estimated that there are more than 255 pyramids on Sudanese territory.

-In Finland, there are more saunas than cars.
-The language with the most words is English.
–Australia not only has more kangaroos than people, but is also home to the world’s largest wild camel population.
-In Iceland, parents choose their children’s names from an official list.
-Greece: The cradle of democracy! Ancient Athens was the birthplace of the idea that power resides in the people – a revolutionary concept for its time!
-South Korea and superstitions with the number 4: In South Korea, the number 4 is considered unlucky, as it sounds similar to the word “death” in Korean. In many buildings, the fourth floor is marked with an “F” instead of a “4.”

–Bhutan is world famous for prioritizing the happiness of its citizens over economic growth. GNH(Gross National Happiness), an indicator created by the country, measures the overall well-being of the population by considering factors such as health, education, environmental conservation and good governance.
-Switzerland: Swiss cheese is so famous that there is a law that states that cheese must be produced in Switzerland and matured for at least three months in order to carry the label “Swiss Cheese”.
Nature and Geography
-The coldest inhabited place in the world: Oimiakon in Siberia has recorded temperatures as low as -71.2 °C.
-CostaRica: This small Central American country is home to about 5% of the world’s biodiversity, despite representing less than 0.03% of the earth’s surface.
-Bolivia: The Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world, turns into a giant mirror when it rains, creating a surreal landscape.

-The world’s largest tree: General Sherman, a giant sequoia in California, is more than 2,000 years old and weighs about 1,300 tons.
-The place with the longest name in the world:Taumatawhakatatangihangakoauauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu is a hill in New Zealand. Try to pronounce it!

–Clouds weigh a lot: Imagine a cloud as a giant sponge filled with water. Although it may look light and float in the sky, an average cloud can weigh up to 550 tons– that’s like the weight of more than 200 elephants combined!
-Growing mountains: Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain, grows approximately 4 millimeters a year due to plate tectonics, so technically it is still increasing in height!
-The oceans contain more than 97% of the Earth’s water.
Iceland: Despite being such a cold country, it has more than 30 active volcanoes.
Curious facts about animals
–Elephants never forget: Although it is an exaggerated myth, elephants have an extraordinary memory and can recognize individuals of their species after many years.
– Bats are the only mammals capable of flight.
– Seahorses are the only animals in which males give birth.

– Koalas sleep about 22 hours a day.
– Giraffes can clean their ears with their long tongues.
– Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
– Octopuses have three hearts.
– Jellyfish do not have brains.
Curious facts about history
-The Black Death was not only transmitted by rats, but also by fleas: Fleas infected by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which caused the plague, were mainly responsible for the spread of the disease.

-Einsteinwas invited to become president of Israel – In 1952, Albert Einstein received a proposal to become the president of Israel after the death of the first president, Chaim Weizmann. Although he declined the offer, he went on record as saying that the proposal was a great honor for him.

-Cleopatralived closer to the iPhone era than to the pyramids.Although we usually associate Cleopatra with the pyramids, they were already more than 2,000 years old when she was born. Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of the pyramids of Giza.
-The ancient Romans used fermented urine to whiten their teeth and as a type of deodorant: Yes, just as you read! The urea present in urine had whitening properties and was a common ingredient in many personal hygiene products.
– Tea was used as currency in some parts of Siberia: In some regions, tea leaves were so valuable that they were used as a medium of exchange to buy and sell goods.
-The shortest war in history: The Anglo-Zanzibar war in 1896 holds the record for being the shortest war in history. It lasted approximately 40 minutes. It was sparked by a dispute over who would be the next sultan of Zanzibar, and the United Kingdom quickly won.
You’re not the only one! These are just some of the thousands of curious facts that exist in the world. What other secrets do you think the world hides? Traveling and living a cultural exchange is the best way to discover them, explore our exchange destinations and start your adventure!
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